


Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (C-TPAT)

The single most significant factor that drives companies to seek C-TPAT Certification or Compliance is a request from an existing client that is C-TPAT Certified. Many of our clients were told they are going to lose business from long-standing clients if they don't become C-TPAT Certified or Compliant. We can help you achieve compliance with the program, get you certified, walk with you through the validation process and even take on managing the program for you. Find out how we can help your organization achieve supply chain security goals.

C-TPAT Program Development
We are the hands-on kind of consultants that are in it with you for the long haul. Working side-by-side with you to design and develop a program that works for your business model. Program development starts with a current assessment of your facility and processes. A Gap Analysis is used to identify areas that need improvement and a plan is outlined to achieve the identified goals.
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WatsonDavis will walk you through the process with as much help as needed and provide assistance with:
    Written Policy & Procedures
    Documented Forms and Logs
    Required Training Elements for Employees, Authorized Representatives and Business Partners
    Business Partner Assessments
    Sourcing for security needs
    Updating and Implementing Processes
    The Validation Audit

Businesses must adapt to changing markets, regulations and training requirements necessary for global for trade. Implementing a complete security program increases the entire supply chain confidence.

To learn more about WatsonDavis C-TPAT and Security Services, contact us today.
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Compliance Reviews
The first step toward C-TPAT compliance is determining your eligibility and conducting a risk assessment of your company and its supply chain. Although the business categories have been expanded for participation in the program it might not be to your best advantage to become a member. However, C-TPAT Compliant status will give you a prominent advantage in securing continued relationships with your business partners regardless of your place in the supply chain.
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Top 5 Reason to Consider the Compliant Standard
    Being C-TPAT Compliant is available to companies that are not eligible for C-TPAT Certification, (like local and regional domestic trucking companies, some 3PL's and non-U.S. companies like overseas agents, exporters and factories.)

    Being C-TPAT Compliant defines a company as a smart partner for C-TPAT Certified companies. (C-TPAT Certified companies are required to use C-TPAT Certified business partners or companies that are in full compliance with C-TPAT criteria whenever possible.)

    Being C-TPAT Compliant means that your have all of the documented security procedures, forms and checklists that C-TPAT Certified companies have.

    U.S. Customs approval is not required for C-TPAT Compliant

    As a result of becoming C-TAP Compliant you can reap the internal benefits that come with having fully documented security procedures, tightened security practices and employee security training.

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A comprehensive audit that addresses all the aspects of the C-TPAT program should be completed on a periodic basis. A 3rd Party Audit of your supply-chain can provide credibility within your existing operation and give you added leverage when securing business with new trade partners. Our audits are more than just a checklist, and are not simply about passing or failing, but are rather a thorough evaluation of current processes, methodologies and procedures.
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Because the C-TPAT program requires compliance for continued participation it is imperative that you stay vigilant in maintaining the required standards. A random, unannounced audit evaluation of your company processes gives you both insight and recommendations that are actionable. We cover all of the following areas:

    Procedural Security
    Documentation Processing
    Physical Security
    Access Controls
    Personnel Security
    Education & Training
    Manifest Procedures
    Conveyance Security

Good Audits take knowledge and time. Knowledge of the industry, processes, risks and requirements. And time to document and produce a complete report that includes observations of strengths and weaknesses, identifying possible deficiencies and suggested corrective actions. Our auditors are professional and have the technical training to render an informed and reasonable opinion regarding the standards and conformance of your organization.
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Program Certification
Navigating the C-TPAT on-line information and the application submission is the basis for your Certification review and can be tedious.  For each criterion you must provide separate narrative descriptions.  Assistance in preparing your application that will emphasize the right technology, the best organizational and supplier data, and detailed risk analysis descriptions can provide the edge that will keep your application from being rejected.  
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There are two primary sections to the application. The Company Profile and the Security Profile. The first area requires detailed information about the company organization, structure, business type and registration numbers such as an Importer bond number or IATA indicator. It is only after completing and submitting the Company Profile that you will receive login information and instructions for completing the Security Profile.

Contact WatsonDavis for questions and assistance to get started and see you through the entire process.

Review the C-TPAT Application

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Making sure you are prepared for your Validation visit by CBP is the final step in the complete supply chain security assessment. Knowing that all the requirements are being met, and the security standards are in place and operational will make that visit with Customs a breeze. WatsonDavis will take you through a simulated validation audit to prepare you for the checklist that Customs will use to confirm validation for the Program.
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In almost every supply chain environment, businesses want to know how they are doing. And they want to know what they need to do to improve. To maintain the most effective business partner operations, it is necessary that you have definite ideas and practices for all the pieces of the chain.

To secure a strong supply chain, security roles and responsibilities need to be evaluated periodically.
C-TPAT puts you in the drivers seat to initiate strong partnerships by developing a shared set of achievable security benchmarks.

To learn more about our C-TPAT and other security related services, contact us today.
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